Hey, fellow plant lovers! Did you know that roses are one of the most popular and widely grown ornamental plants in the world?
From simple balconies and backyards to the most famous royal gardens, roses seem to bloom everywhere.
Roses are perennials that belong to the genus Rosa in the family Rosaceae, with hundreds of species and thousands of varieties. Each type of rose has its own unique traits, and there are various forms such as bushy, climbing, or trailing types. Some varieties are grown for their beautiful flowers, while others are cultivated for their wood, fruits, or even oils.
Roses have hard stems covered in thorns, which are actually extensions of the flower stems. Their leaves grow alternately, and their petals are usually pink. However, after years of cultivation, we can find roses in almost every color you can think of – from white, yellow, pink, and red to even black roses.
While roses are mainly grown for their stunning flowers, some varieties are also cultivated for their high-quality wood, used in things like car interiors and even firearm industries. Plus, the petals are rich in essential oils that are widely used in the cosmetic industry, and some varieties even produce petals used in candies and jams!
There's nothing more eye-catching than a garden or balcony filled with beautiful, colorful flowers, right? Planting roses is an excellent way to dive into backyard gardening. They are easy to grow and are adaptable plants that produce some of the most stunning flowers in the plant world. However, there are a few risks involved, so we must make sure to understand what works and what doesn't when planting roses.
• Older rose varieties can live 40-50 years or even longer, but the more modern varieties sold in nurseries typically live for about 10-12 years.
• The best way to start growing roses is by purchasing a young plant from a reputable nursery (either bare-root or potted). It's not recommended to start roses from seeds.
• If you're buying a bare-root rose, it's a good idea to soak it overnight before planting, following the instructions from the supplier.
• Before planting your young rose in your backyard, make sure to prepare the soil by tilling it and removing any weeds to create the perfect environment for your new plant.
• You can plant roses year-round in many regions, but the best time is from late fall to early spring, so that you can enjoy blooming roses by late summer.
• Start by digging a hole where the young plant and root ball can sit at the same depth as they were in the nursery.
If you're planting your roses in a container, avoid using plastic containers – clay or cement pots work better. Be aware that you may need to repot your roses every two years into a larger container. For the best results, consider purchasing special rose soil or a soil enhancer from a reputable seller, and mix it with perlite for good drainage and air circulation.
Roses love water to thrive and bloom beautifully. Make sure to water them regularly, especially during the hot summer months. Most roses need to be watered at least once or twice a week. Fertilizing your roses is also crucial.
You might need to apply compost or manure once or twice a year, or use a balanced fertilizer (N-P-K 10-10-10) or slow-release fertilizer (good for about 4 months). Spring is the best time to apply fertilizer to help your roses grow strong.
Pruning is key to keeping your roses healthy and beautiful. Without proper pruning, your roses may become overgrown and more prone to diseases. Each year, make sure to remove any dead or diseased stems. Pruning helps improve the overall health of the plant by allowing better airflow and sunlight access. Most people prune their roses in early spring or after the last frost, but you may also need to prune them lightly in spring, summer, and fall, especially if you have climbing roses.
The best time to start planting roses is when the soil is prepared. Remove any old plant debris and weeds, and ensure the soil is loose and rich. For large-scale rose planting, you might want to set up an irrigation system to ensure your roses get enough water. Dig holes around 30-40 cm (11.8-15.7 inches) deep, and choose a sunny spot in your garden for the roses. Roses need direct sunlight to bloom well.
Roses are commonly propagated by grafting or using hardwood cuttings. Grafting is a popular technique where the upper part of one plant (called the scion) is attached to the roots of another plant (called the rootstock). This allows the plant to grow with the benefits of both. However, rooted roses, which grow from their own roots, can also be a great option.
Pruning is one of the most important steps in growing healthy roses. By removing weak or dead branches, you encourage stronger growth and better blooms. Start pruning your roses in their first year to encourage bushier growth. Remove any flowers and weak stems starting in the second year to promote more blooms. Every two to three years, a more thorough pruning is necessary to remove old, broken, or diseased stems.
Watering is essential for successful rose gardening. During the blooming season, roses require more water. Commercial rose growers often use drip irrigation to ensure efficient watering. For home gardeners, make sure to regularly water your roses, especially during dry spells, to help them produce strong, healthy flowers.
Before applying fertilizer, it's important to test the soil once every six months or so to understand its condition. Roses need all three essential nutrients – nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) – to grow strong. A balanced fertilizer (N-P-K 10-10-10) works well. Most people apply slow-release fertilizers in spring.
The best time to harvest roses depends on the variety. For most roses, it's best to cut the flowers when they're still in the bud stage. However, some gardeners wait until the flowers fully bloom. Make sure to cut the flower stems with a sharp pair of scissors, and cut them just above the first leaf.
Growing roses is not only a rewarding experience but a beautiful one too. With a little care, the right soil, and some dedication, we can grow roses that will bloom for years to come. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced gardener, planting roses can be a fulfilling project. Happy gardening, Lykkers! Let's get our hands dirty and grow some gorgeous blooms together!